About Us
Josh & Rachel Porter are not your typical homesteaders, their 17 acre property is not your typical farm, and their approach to raising animals is not a typical ranch. But these 2 are accustomed to going against the grain, forging their own path and beating the odds to success.
Josh was a musician/graphic designer and Rachel was classical dancer with a Public Relations degree when they decided to give up their corporate jobs and start a small business in their hometown of Sapulpa Oklahoma. 15 years later they had grown their dance, gymnastics and fitness business into a successful business that performed all over their state and some areas of the country. That’s when Covid-19 hit and shut their business (and the world) down. With spare time and uncertainty of the future, they turned to self reliance and basic instincts to turn their 17 acre property into a functioning farm for goats, sheep, chicken and produce.
As the fear of the virus faded, the Porter’s business was able to reopen, life began to get back to normal, but their passion for farming, ranching and gardening didn’t fade. They had found a new passion in hobby farming and they decided to share their journey with the world through social media. They now produce content for YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, their blog and various other publications as they learn, grow and thrive in their quest to cultivate the world around them and produce a better life for their family and future generations.