Dollar Tree $10 Chicken Lover Bucket

The countdown to Christmas is on and you are running out of days to order online and have things shipped. A quick run into your local Dollar Tree will get you exciting, creative and inexpensive gifts for any chicken keeper in your life. 

My sons are 6,9 and 13 and as they shift from toys being on their list it is hard to find new and exciting presents. I try to find hobby related gifts. A fresh set of chicken supplies re-energizes them to keep up with their chicken chores and is actually something they want! Whether the person you are buying for is new to chickens or a pro, these items will be great to give them and can all be found at Dollar Tree.

  1. Glass Marbles- chicks need marbles in their waterer to stand on so they won’t drown.

  2. Measuring Cups- it is helpful to scoop feed from the bag and know exactly how much you are feeding your chicks and chickens. These have a pour spout making it really easy to keep things tidy.

  3. Grooming Set- chickens do need nails and beaks trimmed. This set also has a brush for cleaning them. If you are uncertain when, why or how to trim beaks check out this do your research.

  4. Electrolyte- just like humans, electrolytes are important for chickens. During the summer months they easily become dehydrated. Always dilute the electrolyte with water before giving it to your chicken. 

  5. Antibiotic ointment- chickens get wounds. Whether it is a chicken squabble or a predator attack, be prepared to treat those wounds so they don’t get infected. Always make sure you clean the wound first, which is why our next item is on the list.

  6. Peroxide- cleaning wounds immediately is very important. I love this small bottle with the spray top as opposed to the pour top for chickens.

  7. Bottle Brush- chickens need clean water and food. However, they are extremely messy. Bottle Brushes dedicated to just chicken supplies are necessary to keep the water and food containers clean.

  8. Wipes- when you need to quickly rub something down these are good to use on surfaces and your hands!

  9. Broom and dustpan- essential for cleaning out the chicken bedding.

  10. Epsom Salts- these are a great natural cure for skin and digestive issues. Epsom salts can be used for the chicken to soak in or added to their water to drink when their system needs flushing.

If you are looking to spend $5 more, you can add these things!

  1. Electric Power Bar- chickens need heat lamps and incubators need power! There are several good uses for power bars when chicken keeping.

  2. Shelf Paper- for someone with an incubator, shelf paper is great to spread out and help prevent sprawled legs as chickens hatch. It allows the temperature and humidity to remain unaffected.

  3. Sprayer- when incubating, you must pay close attention to the humidity level. Humidity requirements vary depending on the fowl you are incubating, so do your research. The spray bottle can be a good quick way to add moisture and bring the humidity level up.

  4. Vaseline- a great frostbite preventer! Add it to the chicken's beak to protect them from frostbite. Also used on beaks and combs to enhance their coloring for showing.

  5. Athletic Tape- chickens are very prone to foot injuries. Keep this tape on hand to help aid any injuries. 

These items may not be top of mind when buying for a chicken lover, however they are all necessary and will be appreciated! 


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